
Poetry Of Songs Of Innocence And The Little Black Boy Essay

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“London”, “Holy Thursday”, “The Lamb”, “The Tyger”, “The Nurse’s Song”, and “The Little Black Boy” are all written by William Blake. His two main collection of his poetry are Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. “The Lamb”, “The Nurse’s Song”, and “The Little Black Boy” belong to the collection of Song of Innocence because of the theme of happiness. “The Tyger”, “London”, and “Holy Thursday” belong to the collection of Songs of Experience because of the theme of darkness. The collection of poetry of Songs of Innocence had poems that were happy. The collection of Songs of Experience had poems that were darker. The purpose of this is paper is to analyze the poems and how the poems are related to the collection of his poetry. William Blake was born in London in 1757. He didn’t start as a writer but as an artist known as engraver. As Professor Mahoney said, “he was born innocent and would make people depraved.” According to Monroe, Blake would “see a tree filled with angels, bright angelic wings, bespangling every bough like stars” (3). His parents weren’t amazed of what he would see because of that his mother decided to homeschool him for his own protection. She was scared that he would get bullied for what he would say. He had a lot of English writers criticizing his work. Monroe said, “Alexander Gilchrist warned his readers that Blake, neither wrote nor drew for the many, hardly for work-day men at all, rather for children and angeled; himself’a divine

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