
Police Corruption : An Unpunishable Crime?

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Police Corruption: An Unpunishable Crime?
In March of this year, police officers in the U.S. killed more people than police officers in the U.K. did in the entire 20th century.(Shortal) Lately it seems a new scandal of police brutality or corruption in the news is a daily occurrence, which is in and of itself alarming--as is warranted whenever people in power begin to infringe on the U.S. public 's constitutional rights. Although this alarming trend continues to grow, the perpetrators of these crimes are able to continue their work unpunished by the legal system. The same legal system regularly shows no mercy to a regular civilian under the same circumstances. This problem may not seem intimidating to you, as you may not worry about any officers committing crimes against you. Ultimately, that outlook is naïve, as it takes only one corrupt police officer deciding that they do not like you, to turn a normal day into a drama with you ending up in a jail cell. Of course, there are good cops on every police force, but one cannot ignore the fact that brutal beatings seem to happen every day and the resulting punishment for such brutality is woefully lacking: police simply get placed on paid leave and are most often brought back to offend again. The brutality that caused the leave initially is likely to be never addressed again. Why are police so untouchable in the eyes of the law? What steps can be put in motion to begin to solve this ongoing problem? What can be done to

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