
Police Force: The Use Of Excessive Force By Police

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While racing down the freeway on March 3, 1991, driver Rodney King and friends were leading the Los Angeles Police Department on a high speed chase making it up to 115 miles per hour. When King was eventually caught, officers pulled him from his car and began to beat King with their batons hitting and kicking him more than 50 times and shocking him with stun guns in a period of two minutes as he struggled helplessly on the ground outside of his car. King suffered 11 skull fractures, kidney damage, and brain damage. This was one of America’s first viral video of what excessive force is, and it changed the way police interacted with communities forever. The use of police force is an obligation, but unfortunately some officers may misuse, or abuse …show more content…

However excessive force is the use of aggressive capability above expectation if it is deemed unreasonable or unwarranted. Excessive force can come in the form of physical, chemical, firearms, or electronic. Physical force is subduing someone through physical contact. This includes choke holds, or your knee in someone back holding them down until you cuff them. Chemical force is the use of chemicals such as tear gas, pepper spray, or mustard gas in order to subdue large crowds of individuals. Firearm force is using guns to gain access to someone. This could involve shootouts or the police raiding a house and electronic force is using things such as the web, or cellphones, or social media sites to catch a suspect or predator. Though these tools were given to the police departments to be more helpful, they may have the opposite effect.
The amount of force an officer use is influenced by police discretion (Wilson 1968). Discretion is when an individual use their own judgement to decide what the best course of action to take is. …show more content…

The amount of force used was excessive and unnecessary. Fields was not in a situation where is like was in danger or where he needed to defend himself. There could have been other alternatives to this incident like having a female officer coming to get or, or calling her parent. Other measure could have been taken before Fields did what he did. This is one reason why I think officers should not be allowed to use excessive force in most circumstances. By doing what he did, not only did he injured the student, but he could have injured himself or another student in the process. Because some officers do not the proper methods they were taught at the police academy that put themselves in danger as well as the lives of others. By implementing the proposed alternative this could have limited the amount of discretion used be officer Fields and maybe the female student would not have a broken arm. Another alternative is to pair rookie cops up with seasoned officers until they can show they can weigh the cost and benefits of the situation and come up with the best solution possible. This process may take a little longer, but over time the benefits should be much greater. The only time when police officers should be allowed to use excessive force is in life or death situations, or in the pursuit of a chase. Other than that, I do not think officers

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