
Police Officer Baker Of The Suspects

Decent Essays

According to Chesapeake Police Officer Noble and Officer Collins, the above petition was filed on June 13, 2016, in Chesapeake, Virginia.
“I located a stolen vehicle on 06/12/2016, at approximately 0930 hours at Copperstone Circle and Copperstone Court in Chesapeake, Virginia. The vehicle is a 2015 Dodge Charger with Virginia license plates of VEZ-1766. I took the initial report for the vehicle on 06/11/2016. It was assigned case #16-78080. I stayed with the vehicle and did not let it out of my sight. I notified FTO Noble that I had located the vehicle. He stated he was in route to the location. Prior to FTO Noble’s arrival Officer B. D. Baker arrived on scene and stated he had observed two black males that possible matched the …show more content…

I told both that I had seen them on CCTV footage walking into and out of the YMCA and then walking to the Dodge Charger, entering it and leaving the parking lot. I asked Jalen if that sounded right, he nodded his head. Jalen would later admit that he and Marlon went to the YMCA, signed the guest information sheet using Marlon’s brother’s name of Adonte Burnell, and going into lockers taking the keys and then taking the Dodge Charger. Jalen said he did not drive the Charger, but Marlon did.

Jalen was placed in the rear of my marked Police vehicle. Prior to entering my vehicle, I completed as search of Jalen’s clothing. He had a cell phone charger in his left pocket and a cell phone in his right pocket. I removed the cell phone and kept it in my possession. FTO Noble and Officer R. Collins would later take the phone for evidence. Marlon was placed in the rear of Officer Baker’s marked Police vehicle. Both were transported to 1337 Copperstone Circle, where the vehicle was located. I gathered Jalen’s parent information at this time.

I spoke with Marlon about additional items in the vehicle the victims said should be in there. I asked if the items would still be in the vehicle. Marlon said “Probably not, but I didn’t take them” he said there was seven other persons in the vehicle at some point. Marlon was asked what time “he” parked the car on Copperstone Circle. He said between 10pm and midnight.

I spoke with Jalen about the items. He said he did not take

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