
Political Humor For Political Candidates

Decent Essays

Dear Mr. Walker, It has been brought to my attention that you have told the public about your idea to build a wall between the United States and Canada to control immigration. Jordyn Phelps wrote an article on the ABC News website containing information about this statement you made. You are a prominent government leader and in the public eye, so playing it off as if it wasn't important, or if it was a quote taken out of context, won’t be too hard to do. In reference to Elizabeth Kolberts essay, she writes about “why candidates need to make fun of themselves” and gives us her insight on how political candidates can do so. Many influential people have previously taken similar steps to overcome embarrassment, public backlash and hate. These steps include being carefree about their topic and presenting a relatable persona to insure you will gain back the support you recently lost. Listen to both Ms. Kolberts, and me, and you will soon be on a path toward recovery. Self-mockery of ones flaws negates the significance of those flaws. When it comes to dealing with the media and the public, you need to act as what you said was not a big deal. “I’m not worried about it; you shouldn't be, either.” (Kolbert 69) In other words, I’m not concerned with what’s being discussed and neither should you. The purpose of political humor for a politician: to be better liked. …show more content…

Satire may, in fact, offer more truth than the evening news. “In the new comic order, the most devastating is circulated not by an irreverent observer or a sly opponent but by the target himself… Either way, it’s an unsettling development.” (Kolbert 66). One always has a picture of themselves that they try to live up to. You want to push yourself to be the best politician you can be and shouldn’t settle for anything short of

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