
Political Ideologies In The 1930's

Decent Essays

POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES & ECONOMIC SITUATION The Wall Street Crash had a massive significant impact on the change in political ideologies between the 1920's and the 1930's. In the 1920's, the government was Republican lead with Herbert Hoover as the President. His run as President oversaw the economic boom and many of his policies were regarded as the reason for the boom. During this time, the notion “Rugged Individualism” was highly supported by the people. This was the notion that that people could achieve success through their own effort and hard work, . There was also the belief that the government should not interfere with businesses. This is because Hoover believed that businesses should be left alone to decide workers’ pay and what the …show more content…

During this time period the beliefs of people had changed, and people believed that governments should be active. This meant that they believed that governments should always try and help improve the lives of people - this was one of Roosevelt's biggest ideologies. Furthermore, the American public believed that workers rights should be protected by the government to stop employers mistreating them. Roosevelt's ideology was that governments can judge whether workers are being treated fairly or not, and are able to step in, in order to give workers a fair …show more content…

After the depression hit America in 1929, it instantly affected the entire world trade. It directly affected the way the League of Nations (LoN) dealt with issues occurring between countries. An example of this was, many countries in the LoN were sceptical of using economic sanctions. This was because that would affect their own countries as they would be able to trade. The biggest example of where this was crucial was when Italy invaded Abyssinia under Mussolini’s reign. The LoN were open to economic and trading sanctions from being placed on Italy, however France and Britain were not willing to go with it and made a secret pact with Italy saying that they would not

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