
Political Party Analysis

Decent Essays

Political Party:

Our party wants free college
We believe that education is crucial brick both for the country and the workforce. With the wider spread education, the formation of business. With increased education people can find jobs more easily, and people shouldn’t be left in a mountain of debt for wanting a better education. Other countries across the world believe in a free or limited costs for college due to its importance in the whole of society and the benefits it yields.
Our party wants restricted gun control in the form of background check and bans on semi-automatics
We believe that 2nd amendment is a part of our constitution and is heavily ingrained the American public, so in order to prevent gun violence, while making sure that …show more content…

People of all backgrounds should be welcome in what was once a place for people of diverse backgrounds to come together in. People are people and everyone has rights, and it’s up to the government to promote and uphold those rights.
Our party wants to reform the education system to include more practical skills, choice from a young age, and specialization in a subject. We want to improve all schools and not just shuffle kids to different schools.
We believe that the school system itself is flawed due to its lack of real life skill sets being taught, lack of agency in a child's own learning, and inconsistent quality across schools. We don’t believe in shuffling kids in and out of lower-rated schools, we believe in consistently high-quality schools. And, children need to be prepared for the real world and taught how to take control of a situation and not just follow a checklist. Skills like stocks and bills are important as well as being exposed to more advanced forms of problem-solving that would mimic how it would be in a workplace. All of this can be remedied by overhauling the school system to reflect what is needed and wanted by students as well a providing addition funding to pay teacher and bring all schools up to the same high …show more content…

With the world becoming more advanced and more and more devices being conceived, ie. Smartphones, Smart car, and Smart house, along with a growing dependence on, them even on the level of the government, we need to protect our privacy and safety. It has been statistically shown that our safeguards against hackers and foreign threats is severely lacking. Still, this a worldwide problem, and with the technological revolution, people don’t know how to keep their information safe, so it is our job as part of the government to protect our citizens even from digital

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