
Political, Political And Military Advantages Of The Civil War

Decent Essays

Tayler Burrell
12 December 2017 Civil War: Union Military Advantages The civil war, fought from 1861-1865, was started after seven southern slave states declared their secession and formed the Confederate states. The Union had many advantages that, ultimately, led them to victory. The had many political, economic, and military benefits that aided them in their victory. The Union was held by a strong central government. A strong central government is defined as a government that’s able to force the states and municipalities to follow the central government's laws. Abe Lincoln did this by not letting the surrounding southern states to secede and simply ignored that they had “succeeded”. When South Carolina “seceded” from …show more content…

This illegally increased the size of the army, which was also a power only reserved for the Congress, and authorized illegal voting methods for the Union border states. Congress had generally supported all of these decisions, but Lincoln further justified them by claiming that desperate times called for the measures he took.He also later promised to obey the Constitution once the war was over.

Economically the Union was very strong and greatly outweighed the South. President Lincoln, as the war had begun, quickly declared a blockade, as described earlier, against the main Confederate ports. This was supposed to be under an international treaty, that hadn’t been signed yet, which had created the controversial political issues for Lincoln. Fortunate enough for the Union, when war broke out the United States Navy was small like it’s army, and its ships were scattered around the oceans. Of the American ships that were in surrounding waters, ten were partially destroyed or destroyed to prevent them from going to the Confederates when Virginia seceded. If they did this would have taken the Norfolk naval base with it.
Another Economical advantage the Union had was that Northern Republicans could pass higher tariffs, write a wide variety of needed reform bills, build the national economy, and strengthen the federal government because there were no conservative Southerners. Countless different currencies in

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