
Pollution in Chesapeake Bay Essay

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Chesapeake Bay

Television commercials, print ads, and billboards in the Washington, DC, area are asking residents to connect two things many might find unrelated: lawn care and seafood. In one commercial, a man stuffs a big plateful of grass in his mouth after a voice-over says, “Spring rains carry excess lawn fertilizers through our sewers and rivers and into the Chesapeake Bay, where the blue crab harvest has been extremely low. So skip the fertilizer until fall, because once they’re gone, what’s left to enjoy?”(Environment, p. 7)

This ad is directed to many people in the Chesapeake Bay region because there are tons of pollution each year that are destroying the nation’s largest estuary, or part of a body of water where the fresh …show more content…

When work began to improve the Chesapeake Bay they needed to find the culprits of the bad water quality then get rid of them.
Scientists and researchers began giving a large volume of effort and look into the extremely complex problems that face the Chesapeake Bay. When research for the improving and saving of the Bay’s overall health began it seemed very simple and there were only a couple of problems. The problems included nutrients from agricultural runoff; these nutrients were phosphorus and nitrogen. The combination of the nutrients in the Bay caused a large volume of algae that choked some of the marine life. While bringing in algae the nutrients also killed grasses on the seafloor. These seafloor bed grasses that once covered more than half of the Chesapeake Bay’s floor now only covered a tenth of their original area. Though the estuary was having problems it did not receive the terrible pollution from industries that many large rivers and lakes do in other urban areas (Brown, p. 397).
Needless to say, it does not mean that the Bay was out of trouble by only having to deal with the problems of the nutrients runoff. The nitrogen and phosphorus is more than enough to handle the Chesapeake Bay. By the year 1987the Chesapeake Bay was taking in 184,000 metric tons of nitrogen 74,000 metric tons of phosphorus a year from such variable as animal and human wastes and agricultural fertilizers. More

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