
Polonius And Hamlet Analysis

Decent Essays

Polonius and Hamlet: The Weavers of Deceits.
The tragedy of Hamlet brings to the stage the palace intrigues of a corrupt Denmark, where the lust for power leads to the assassination of the King, at the hands of his own brother who usurps his throne. Hamlet, a young student and model soldier struggles to deal with a harsh reality that leads him to doubt the whole world. The enigmatic nature of Hamlet, whose speeches and actions lend to multiple interpretations, generates a sense of uncertainty in the reader that is intensified by the climax of tension that transpires throughout the work. It is in this climate of deception that Hamlet elaborates a plan to avenge his father's death by forcing King Claudius to confess the murder--becoming a …show more content…

The pathos is further reinforced by the words of Horatio, who enters the scene saying, “A piece of him,” by answering to Barnardo, who was looking for him. The appearance of the ghost of the deceased king is the reason for such discomfort and reluctance. The ghost itself is a bearer of bad news that will lead to a sequence of acts of revenge as if to suggest that vengeance is a frosty wind emerging from the subconscious (intangible) but leading to tangible consequences. It is interesting to note the author use of minor characters as useful wires to weave the plot of a play. However, reading the set and the characters through a symbolic lens, the castle, the tower and the guards allude to the confinement, I would dare to say, to the burial of the consciousness of an ego overthrown by material power. King Claudius himself embodies the thirst for power that blurs the mind and takes over even on the blood ties. A fact that is to be considered sacrilegious and a harbinger of inevitable defeats, as announced by the words of the Danish soldier Marcellus, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”— a sentence passed to history and still used today as an allusion to a level of corruption that will lead to ruin (100). As mentioned in the introduction, the author's mastery finds full vent in the speeches of Polonius, who offers questionable pieces of advice to everyone, left and

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