
Polypharmacy Analysis

Decent Essays

Much of the vast information that has been researched and provides evidence about polypharmacy is from an organization called the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO). The NHPCO helped to support my Indirect Clinical Project. The mission statement and values are is to help lead and improve end of life care and to respect others, collaborated and exceed expectations. This organization hopes to help families and patients who are facing terminal illness to address death, and grief with the best people to help them through it (National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, n.d.). This organization is committed to people at the end of life and improving their quality of life, for however long they have left. By researching and learning more …show more content…

A nurse should always have a second plan for things. I have proposed one solution to assist with decreasing the amount of polypharmacy in my workplace, but there is another proposed solution I have. The second solution would be to create a tool to help obtain all of the patient’s doctor’s names, and have them all sign off on the medications the patient takes when they come on hospice services, with the nurse guiding them to recognize the duplicates and unnecessary medications. To implement this process a form would be created and added to admission paper work, this way it can be addressed at the start of care. The form will name all of the medications and then the doctors

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