
Poor Pain Management In Post-Op Care

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According to research, various factors contribute to poor pain management in post-op care. The duality of under medication and overmedication is due to inadequate and insufficient pain assessment. This paper explores the reasons behind the lack of post-op pain attitudes, treatment, and evaluation. Both patients and nurses’ attitudes to pain stems from insufficient assessment tools and evaluations. Pain is a subjective symptom and is very difficult to qualify during comparative studies. Most research on patients’ post-op experience are found on older adults, ranging from acute to chronic care. Without a broader age range and ethnicities, it is difficult to make conclusions, due to a gaping hole in quantitative research. Further research …show more content…

Chronic, acute, somatic and oncologic are all types pain - each with their own symptoms, reliefs, and evaluations. As pain has been explored, we have learned more about it; however, it remains an anomaly. In the postoperative setting, nurses are the first line of pain management. Their assessments of the patient’s pain, including questions and scaling is imperative when dosing medications and evaluating the patient. Studies continue to determine that healthcare providers undertreat and mismanage pain control and assessment. According, to the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians, “80% to 90% of physicians have had no formal training in prescribing controlled substances, and only five out of one hundred thirty-three medical schools in the U.S. have required courses on pain management” (Glowacki, p. 37). The American Nurse Credentialing Center reported that “as of 2013, only one thousand six hundred seventy two registered nurses in the U.S. were certified in pain management” (Glowacki, p. 37). According to the CDC, about 50% of postoperative patients report unrelieved pain (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013). Effective postoperative pain control is necessary for successful care and treatment. Inadequate relief of postoperative pain can contribute to postoperative complications such as atelectasis, deep vein thrombosis, and delayed wound healing (Francis & …show more content…

In Comfort Theory, comfort is an immediate desirable outcome of nursing care. This practice takes a holistic approach. Kolcaba explained that comfort exists in three characteristics: relief, ease and transcendence. Relief is the state in which the patient has satisfied a specific need. Comfort as ease is a state of calmness or satisfaction related to the satisfaction of specific needs that cause discomfort or interfere with comfort. Comfort as transcendence is understood as a condition in which individuals rise above their own problems or pain, or the highest level of comfort, based on the satisfaction of needs of education and motivation that empower users to develop their potential and adopt healthy lifestyle habits, and carry out their activities with the maximum possible independence (Kolcaba,

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