
Popular Hip Hop Culture

Decent Essays

Young people would perform, listen to, play hip hop music videos in the hallway TV at Malvern-Work, Poetic Justice, Started From the Bottom. When I would pass by the computer lab I would see many young people often on ‘World Star Hip Hop’ (an American content aggregate site with a hip hop focus often referred to as the ‘ghetto’s CNN’). This is just one of the many ways hip hop culture was pervasive in these young people’s lives. One of the most pervasive forms of artistic expression I found among young people was through rap. Rap is a mixed medium; it includes poetry, prose, song, music, theatre. It can come in the forms of narrative, autobiography, science fiction, or debate. Hip hop encompasses five core elements: emceeing/rapping, deejaying, graffiti art, break dancing, and ‘knowledge of self’ or the critical …show more content…

A perfect example of this is my interaction with Fredrico, a youth I met at Malvern Community Center. I only met Fredrico once, and he had probably been to the center a total of two times. He did not regularly frequent the center but had come in for assistance. Fredrico, a Black youth, 25 years old, had two children aged 6 and 7, and was deaf. He came to the center to get help filling out a form that would allow him to count his work experiences towards high school credits in order to get his diploma. While, I was helping him fill out the form we got to talking and Fredrico told me he was a big fan of hip hop music. When I asked him what it was about hip hop music he liked, he simply said, hip hop helps me learn how to ‘stand’. As someone with a hearing impediment things other young people took for granted Fredrico was very conscious about. Fredrico consciously studied how people walked, talked, and even stood so he could blend in more seamlessly. Fredrico also told me that hip hop helped him with his communication skills which was something he

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