
Population-Based Studies

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1. When looking at individual-based studies, one is looking at a smaller group of individuals and determining if they reach a specific outcome based on being exposed to a risk factor. With this information, an inference is made about the general population to determine if the stated exposure affects their chances on having the expected outcome that is discussed in the study. Since it is not a true representation of the population however, an investigator runs the risk of not having an accurate representation of the data in terms of the general population. In population-based studies, instead of looking at a small group of individuals to make an assumption on the entire population, we are taking numbers that represent the population and determining …show more content…

In the case of individual-based studies, the hypothesis is made after the data has been collected and analyzed. 2. An exposure/disease relationship that I am interested in studying is the relationship between sexual behavior practices and sexually transmitted …show more content…

With this information, I would be able to analyze the group of people included in the study to determine how many individuals had an STD and more than one sexual partner, how many individuals had an STD and one sexual partner, how many individuals did not have a STD and more than one sexual partner, and how many individuals did not have an STD and one sexual partner. With this information, a conclusion could be made about the risk of getting an STD based on the number of sexual partners an individual may have. When performing a population based study, I would have to select a population based data set that represents the number of people with an STD and a population based data set that represents reports of the number of sexual partners. The data selected will have to be from the same population to ensure accurate representation of the data. With this information, a correlation can be made and conclusions drawn about those who have a STD and the number of sexual

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