
Porter's Five Forces Apparel Industry

Decent Essays

The Threat of New Entrants within the Apparel Industry
Porter’s five forces model seeks to portray how attractive an industry is in relation to the five competitive forces which includes, threat of substitutes, threat of entry, bargaining power of customers, intensity of competitive rivalry and bargaining power of suppliers.
The threat of new entrants of the porter’s five force model refers to the threat that potential new competition pose to existing competition within the industry. This threat is the force of the model which would shape the competitive nature of the fashion and apparel industry.
The fashion and apparel industry is one of high profits and this is why it has attracted many competitors. Since there is a slow growth increase within the industry this has increased the competition and this has caused an …show more content…

The barriers to entry are the factors which alter the entrance of potential competitors within any apparel and fashion industry. These barriers act as stops for potential competitors; which are seeking to enter. Some of these barriers to entry within the industry would include:
Economics of scale; refers to the cost advantages that a company have because of its scale of operation, size and output. Economies of scale are also seen as; if there is a decline in the unit costs of a product within the industry, this would cause the volume in output to increase which in turn would be very beneficial to existing firms. This barrier forces potential new entrants to try to come in on a small scale which would force a cost disadvantage to them. This is why existing firms with economies of scale have a cost advantage over small competitors and potential new entrants; because these entrants will also try to match existing competitors this would be disadvantageous to

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