
Portrayal Of Women In Dracula

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Bram Stoker’s Dracula has been adapted into film version i.e Francis Coppola’s Dracula in 1992 which is claim as the faithful adaptation to its literary source. This film contains several scenes straight from novel; however in representing the main female character is differ. The portrayal of women in Dracula’s novel and Coppola has received a lot critical attention especially the main female character (Mina Murray). Thus, this ppresent research tries to reveal crucial differences in the portrayal of Mina Murray. Feminist Literary Criticism Theory is the basis analysis to provide the general view points of women in novel and film. Besides, the Binary Opposition is applied to clearly showw the differences between reprentation of Mina. The result shows that Mina’s characters is very contradictory character. She regarded as traditional and modern, powerful and powerless, passive and active, among other characteristics.

INTRODUCTION Towards the late 19th century, one of predominant concerns was the portrayal and the role of women they occupied in society. In Victorian era, women depicted as dutiful wife, powerless; Their role only as a wife and mother in the society. One of literary works from that era that represents the traditional role of women is Dracula. The novel Dracula was written by …show more content…

The Portrayal of Mina in Dracula ans Coppola’s Bram Stoker’s Dracula analyzes the portrayal of Mina in both novel and film, it is found that Coppola has strengthened Mina’s role in making her part of staar-crossed-lovers and has given her supernatural power. She stated that Mina has moved from a woman oppressed by Victorian norms to one that is a reincarnation of someone else (in the film) being ruled and oppressed by male power. Moreover, in the film Mina is even less emancipated than in stoker’s novel because the submitting of dominance of Dracula by

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