
Positive Motivation

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You are welcome! Although your evals are a "little" problem for you now, your positive motivation will be the key and driving force to your success. I have no doubt that you will do just fine in everything you decide to do. I get the feeling that you really want to succeed and that you have a positive outlook in life. Do not lose that spirit! You have a long road ahead of you and there will be many exits along the way. Do not take any exit unless it is your intention to abandon your journey. Motivation is like a roller coaster. We accelerate and lose momentum during our course. Stay physically fit and mentally sharp. The opportunities in the Navy are unlimited and it will be up to you to exploit these opportunities. Find yourself "one" (best case) or "two" (worst case) mentor for your …show more content…

Keep in mind that not everyone around you is a mentor. Be very careful with your choice of a mentor! When you select your mentor make sure they know that you want them to be your mentor. This way they will be on the hook and they will have to assume their responsibilities as such by giving you good advices. Later, remind me to send you some Officer's correspondence courses that you can do in your time off. By doing these courses and recording them in your evals it will be an indication of your desire of wanting to be an Officer. One thing, do not replace college classes for correspondence courses. Do them on your spare time but do them. Also, remind me to send you all the PQS you "should" do while on the deployment. By doing these PQS, you will leave no doubt that you are the most qualified person out

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