
Positive and Negative Reinforcements

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Positive and Negative Reinforcements Agyoly Nunez Grand Canyon University: SPE-522-0101 August 7th, 2013 Positive and Negative Reinforcements When a child exhibits negative behavior, teachers must try to find methods and strategies that will reduce student failure. Challenging behavior is seen by, students that feel frustrated because they do not understand the task or assignments that must be completed during classroom time, or students that may have a negative home environment where, parents are involved with drugs or have a low income. Every school year teachers are faced with challenging behavior in the classroom. In order to minimize negative behavior and produce desirable behavior teachers use reinforcers that appeal to …show more content…

Planned reinforcement are methods that reward a student for completing class assignments and homework early or on time, or it can be a parent’s verbal praise as well as a reward for completing household duties (Wheeler, 2010). In order for reinforcement to be effective, a teacher must consider an individuals learning preferences and must individualize the reinforcement, according to the student’s need (Wheeler, 2010). The goal of reinforcement is to maintain a behavior that is either positive or negative. In most cases teachers and parents use reinforcement to promote desirable behavioral form children, which can included, stickers, candy, verbal praise, money, a smile, or food (Reinforcement, 2010). Reinforcement can also be used to teach a child school subjects or social behaviors, where learning becomes appealing to the child. There are two forms of reinforcement that teachers use with in the classroom, positive and negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is widely used in classroom and in educational settings, and is defined as a possible motive that increases the occurrence of a behavior in the future (Wheeler, 2010). It is also known as an environmental event that is given in response to a behavior, that increases the occurrence of that behavior (Reinforcement, 2010). Positive

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