
Poverty In America

Decent Essays

In the data, what had surprised me the most was the large number of white people living in poverty in my community. I was surprised about this data because I had always thought that white people were less likely to be in poverty. On television, say President Trump for example, spoke often about how there were many African Americans in poverty that it was becoming a problem in the United States. “ You go into the inner cities and you see it's 45 percent poverty, African Americans now 45 percent poverty in the inner cities” (Sebastian, 2016). The percentage of poverty President Trump has said in his response was contradictory because it had exceeded the federal data. The percentage was less than 40 percent even in a city such as Detroit. …show more content…

A survey showed that most Americans had overestimated the poverty rate of African Americans in the country by almost two factors ( Pinsker, 2015). Although the high percentage of poverty among white people may be a result of my community consisting of a larger population of white people, I was still surprised by the data. Another data that surprised me was the total number of veterans in my community. Because there are several military bases near by, I had imagined that there would be a large number of veterans in my neighborhood. In contrast, I was not particularly surprised that about 90 percent of the people in my community speaks only English at home. Since over 80 percent of the population in my community is white, it is obvious that most people in the community would be speaking English at home. In addition, because we are in the United States, I think that most families from foreign countries would also speak English at home. As myself, for example, my mother is Japanese and when we lived in Japan we spoke Japanese at home often, but since we moved to Washington I have noticed that we speak English more …show more content…

Although there is diversity in races in my community, the races other than white make up only about 20 percent of the population throughout the entire community. Out of the 20 percent, Hispanics and Latinos account for approximately eight percent, which is the highest percentage out of the other races except for white people. However, since the white accounts for most of the population in my community, they also account for some of the highest percentage of poverty in my community. On the other hand, the percentage of poverty rates between male and female in my neighborhood does not have a significant difference. Females have a slightly higher poverty rate than males; about a three percent difference. Another observation I had made was the number of veterans in my community and which conflicts they had served in. About 19 percent of the population over 18 is a veteran, and of the 19 percent about 36.7 percent of the veterans served in the Vietnam War. In contrast, only 2.7 percent of the veterans had served in the World War II. This may be because most veterans from World War II were concentrated in the Northeast, as to the veterans from the Vietnam War accounts for approximately a third of all veterans throughout the United States ( Chokshi,

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