
Poverty In America

Decent Essays

Gandhi once said, “poverty is the worst form of violence.” Gandhi didn’t make his home in America, yet he somehow still understood the struggle the poor face everyday to survive. Poverty isn’t just an “American thing”, it isn’t the “in thing”, and it certainly isn’t a “good thing.” Statistics are constantly telling Americans that for every six strangers on the street, at least one will experience poverty in their lifetime. And who comes to their rescue? America? No, certainly not. America’s income comes from the rich and goes back to the rich. There are not enough programs around the world to help the 32.2 million people that have dropped below the poverty line. The line that is the boat that determines if you swim, or drown. Those with the …show more content…

Their only answer is their income. Or lack thereof. Some know that poverty is the word carved into the backs of the working people, or those that have worked so hard their wounds ooze with every dream they ever had. Those trapped in poverty are shoved back down and covered when they try to crawl from their hole. They can’t leave. Those with money hold all of the control and would rather cut the strings of the poor than continue to pull them along to success. Because success, in the hands of those that have known true struggles, is the most dangerous answer to the problems the world faces. The poor could change the world, if they were allowed to move from the dirt filled rut they are forced to call home. Those in poverty are forced there because they fall behind and American society doesn’t care. Because they don’t fit the “perfect American” that has been stereotyped around the world. Because they weren’t given a fighting chance to use their education and training. Because those in power are afraid of being overtaken and losing their power to the poor. And because those in poverty can see themselves deserving of no other

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