
Poverty In America

Decent Essays

Today, there are millions of Americans in poverty. How come America is one of the wealthiest countries yet millions of people are impoverished? Poverty is considered one of the leading problems in America. In “Changing the Face of Poverty” written by Diana George, American nonprofit groups are showing poverty the wrong way in our country. Nonprofit organizations, for example, "Habitat for Humanity” shows how we perceive a weak nation, and terrible people look since they don't have a home. I believe America has a problem with helping the less fortunate, because the expenses and cost of owning a house are so high, many people’s general needs may have to be sacrificed. Imagine not having food to eat every day, fresh clothes to wear, a car, the list goes on and on. Our country is supposed to aid yet it seems like the U.S. just puts this issue to the side. The amount of poverty stricken areas in America ranks much higher than the amount of poverty in other nations. Most people living in poverty don’t live in the rough and tough living conditions that the media paints them too, but it is still hard for them to make ends meet. I think the amount of poverty in the United States need to be decreased.
Firstly, the cause of poverty is varied. Even though a person might have a job, the money that they make might not be enough to sustain himself or a family. Usually homeless Americans are discriminated against, shunned from society, denied chances, and even jobs. A key factor for

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