
Power In The Handmaids

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According to Gilead’s leaders, the United States had an ongoing infertility crisis as well as too much separation of religion and government, prior to the takeover. The Gilead’s founders were called the “Sons of Jacob” that used lobbied for a more extreme Christian bend to the government. Its major national issue, sterility consequent on nuclear and chemical pollution, turns its few fertile women into “Handmaids” to its highest-level Commanders and their wives, using as justification the biblical story of Rachel and Jacob. The barren Rachel directed her husband Jacob to “go in unto” her servant Bilah and “she shall bear upon my knees, that I also may have children by her.” With the rapid rise of industries, a steep increase in pollution and …show more content…

The problem for the opposition is the widespread system of reporting anyone who speaks negatively of the state. Gilead’s surveillance of the streets and individual homes are constant. In Gilead, most power is in the hands of the Commanders, the male elite in Gilead. They enforce their rule through paramilitary groups known as Guardians of the Faith, and through spies and secret police known as Eyes. The Eyes are said to be everywhere. The only place people are free are in their heads due to communication between individuals being forbidden. The uncertainty and fear of these ‘Eyes’, makes the Handmaids regulate their behavior and act in accordance to Gileadean rules at all times and trust becomes practically non-existent because nobody is sure of one another’s true identity. By restricting communication, the people are restricted in forming networks and expressing their ideas to rebel against the society and therefore are forced to …show more content…

A limited amount of power is given to a small segment of the group of people who are the aim of control, thus creating a crack in the unity of that group. Those who have been given this power will strive to retain it because of the advantages it provides but also in fear of retaliation; while those who are really in power, in this case the ruling males of Gilead, have created a security buffer between them and the oppressed women. Men are the rulers, some women have limited power, and most women are controlled and have no power. The representatives of these women with limited power in the novel are the ‘Aunts’. They are the women who are convinced that this kind of rule of Gilead is justified. The Aunts like Aunt Lydia, belongs to the class of women assigned to coach the Handmaids with the beliefs of Gilead and it is her words that “drum the ideology of the new society” into the heads of the women. Aunt Lydia says, “The Republic of Gilead, knows no bound. Gilead is within you”, showing the sense of power the government holds and a characteristic associated with the totalitarianism regime. Offred’s response to this is seen at the end of her visit to the Doctor and she says “It's the choice that terrifies me. A way out, a

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