
Practicum Essay Examples

Decent Essays

“Let’s create an AIDS/HIV-free generation”, which is not only a slogan that was proposed by President Obama but also a goal that I would like to achieve on my future career path. My practicum project at the Department of Health and Human Services was to generate dataset of new AIDS/HIV cases in Houston/Harris area required by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and then to use ArcGIS software to make a map describing the new diagnosed in Houston area. The final products can be spatially lined to other sources to enhance understanding of social determinants of health affecting populations impacted by HIV. This practicum experience let me realize that AIDS spreads so quickly is because most people have insufficient knowledge or misconception about the disease and prevention. Becoming a pharmacist to provide prevention service and educate people to improve their health and wellbeing is how I want to reach the goal of creating an AIDS/HIV-free generation.

I believe the education and training in pharmacy school will develop competencies that are needed to be a professional pharmacist. The PharmD. curriculum will help me build up my pharmaceutical and biomedical …show more content…

I developed leadership skills through many group project during my master program in School of Public Health. However, two-year training in leadership was not enough, so I am planning to join student societies in pharmacy school to gain more experience of leadership. The training of communication is also an essential skill for pharmacists, especially interacting with diverse people, such as different ages, genders, and culture backgrounds. My long-term goal is to become a community pharmacist. As a community pharmacist, I would like to provide wellness care and participate in health promotion campaigns relating to AIDS/HIV issues to support all residents in the

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