
Pre Calculus: Student Analysis

Decent Essays

The greatest academic challenge I have faced to this day was Pre Calculus my Junior year. Math has always been my weakest subject and the one that I need the most help in. Unfortunately, help was something I struggled to find. The friends that I had in the class also struggled to understand the subject matter just as much as I did and were unable to help me themselves. For a long time, I used online resources to try and review the subject matter at home. While I could struggle through my homework by comparing the problem step-by-step with an example, tests and quizzes felt impossible. Eventually, I was able to gain some assistance in the Math Lab at school, a resource set up for those who needed assistance. The one-on-one attention that I received gave me an understanding that I did not achieve when just sitting in the lecture. However, while I was able to better understand my homework, I still consistently earned a C on the tests and quizzes. Because these parts of the class were weighed so heavily, I was unable to pull my grade up very far. What helped my grade the most was the large extra credit project available in fourth quarter. Along with two friends, I built a …show more content…

I found that being able to find a way to apply the concepts of the class to the real world helped my understanding. It was unfortunate that the solar project did not fall earlier in the year, or that there were not more of its kind. Using a more creative outlet, like the cooker, was a hands-on experience that helped to cement my understanding. In addition, my learning type seems to be more visual than auditory. I always needed to do a problem myself before I could even attempt to understand it. The help that I received in the Math Lab was a great example of such. Being walked through a problem as I completed it was extremely beneficial. It was through the help and patience of the teachers in the Lab that I was able to do as well as I

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