
Prejudice And Racism By John Edgar Wideman

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Racism has been one of society’s major issue, which still has no resolution. Many Americans are still unaware of the presence racism holds in their society, schools, and workplaces. The lack of acknowledgment for modern day racism stems from the idea that African Americans are no longer subjects to the violence of slavery and laws have been passed that not only protect their rights, but prevent such acts of violence from happening again, therefore African Americans have reached equality and racism has been resolved. However, “the circle of racism and its perverse logic remains unbroken” (Weidman 32). This statement is not to discredit the progress African Americans have made in achieving equal opportunities, but rather show that although racism …show more content…

Wideman states “Boys like Emmett Till are born violating the rules, aren’t they? Therefore they forfeit any rights law-abiding citizens are bound to respect. The bad places-ghettos, prisons, morgue slabs- where most of them wind up confirm the badness of the boys” (32). Wideman is showing that although society has moved on from enslavement and segregation, African Americans still carry with them stereotypes. These stereotypes have hindered the progress of the black community and often leaves them to believe that they are only confined to what society has allowed them to achieve. The boys Wideman speaks about are the young African American men, and today we see that the stereotypes placed on these young black men are what fuels many acts of violence and discrimination between police and minorities. For example in an analysis based on the policing in New York the results showed that “blacks were stopped five times more often than whites, but also that the ratio of stops that leads to arrests was significantly higher for blacks than whites suggesting that police stop practices were more indiscriminate for blacks as a result of race-based suspicion” (Brunson, Miller 3). Although this is not an example of increased police brutality it does show that young black men have become targets. There have been cases such as Eric …show more content…

An increase in employment has shown a positive effect on the increase of social status. More statistics show that in March of 2010 the unemployment rate for African Americans was at a high as 16.8%, but by December 2014 the rate fell to 10.4%. ( Wilson, “Imapact.. On African American.. Wages” ) Furthermore, there are also laws such as the Affirmative Action that have helped level the plane field so that everyone has an equal opportunity in the work field no matter their gender or race. Although there might still be a gap between the incomes of white and black Americans, the increase level of employment and the rise of the middle class show the improvements and efforts African Americans are trying to make in order to bridge the gap between racial

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