
Prejudice In The Bluest Eye

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In the novel, The Bluest Eye (1970), Toni Morrison introduces us to three young girls who have different perspective among the 1930s child film star Shirley Temple. Although Frieda McTeer, the older sister of Claudia McTeer admires Shirley, and the sisters' friend Pecola Breedlove has an obsession with Shirley, Claudia hates the actress with a passion. Even though Freida may like Shirley, because society loves Shirley and she is suppose to follow what society values and admires, being the oldest, Pecola's obsession for the actress and Claudia's hatred for Miss Temple highlights their self-worth. Pecola's excessive adoration of Shirley is what is getting in the way of her acknowledging how much she is really worth. In Pecola's eyes, Shirley …show more content…

Which is the complete opposite of Pecola. Even though Freida likes Shirley, she still loves herself, she knows who she is. She validates herself worth and that is something that Pecola doesn't know how to do. When the McTeer family allowed Mr. Henry to live with them, over the time, he touched Frieda. Her father was outraged and so was everyone else, seeing that they love and care about Freida, they chased him out. However, when Pecola was raped by her father, she told her mother and she didn't believe her, therefore she did nothing. Even though Frieda likes Shirley, she had her sister and parents to help her through this horrible event, although Pecola had nobody. Since Pecola isn't able to love herself, she has to love Shirley. On the other hand, Claudia McTeer hates Shirley. She was brought in the same family as Freida, but since nobody expects anything of Claudia, she is able to have her own opinions and is able to despise the actress. Freida is the oldest so she must like Shirley because everyone likes the actress, Pecola loves Shirley because she needs something to love since she doesn't love herself and Claudia hates Shirley simply because she

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