
Prejudice To Hispanics: Article Analysis

Decent Essays

The article, Decoding Prejudice towards Hispanics: Group Cues and Public Reactions to Threatening Immigrant Behavior consists of previous and modern racism. This article was published in 2013 and was written by Todd K. Hartman, Benjamin J. Newman, and C. Scott Bell. The article itself was well-organized and provided crucial information that needs more recognition. The main point of this source is to express whether prejudice towards Hispanics has gone “underground” and “coded” racially or ethnically in the United States (Hartman, Newman, Scott Bell 145). This article is a great source to use, not only does it include racial issues, but provides the rights the Hispanic populations has, as well as prejudice studies throughout the years.
“While …show more content…

“The exact wording of this manipulation read as follows: ‘‘Suppose someone from (Mexico/Britain) enters the U.S. with a short-term visa but then stays in this country longer than legally authorized. In your view, how serious is this offense on a scale from 0 to 10, where ‘0’ means ‘not at all’ and ‘10’ means ‘very serious’?’” (Hartman, Newman, Scott Bell 149-150). Mexico was chosen for this experiment because the majority of the immigration population in the U.S. is composed of legal and undocumented Hispanics. This experiment is helpful for this paper because “If prejudice is not a factor in determining Whites’ attitudes, then respondents should not judge unauthorized immigrants from Mexico any differently than they do those from the United Kingdom or those without a defined country of origin” (Hartman, Newman, Scott Bell 150). This just proves to show that Hispanics are viewed as a threat and are more offensive than an immigrant from other …show more content…

The information provided in this article was extremely helpful and not too difficult to understand. The article itself included various experiments and data to revise. Not only did this source clarify how laws are justified for immigrants from Mexico but also compared how immigrants from other countries are better accepted and treated by law. Lastly, the source provided logical explanations why immigrants should be allowed in the U.S., as well as how Mexicans have enhances the U.S. as a country. It was made clear in this article that immigrants are needed in the U.S. in order to support the

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