
Prescribing Opioids Research Paper

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Education and Care when Prescribing Opioids
Opioid abuse, misuse and overdose is a problem in The United States. You can’t turn on the TV or read a newspaper without some mention of the epidemic. This issue has caused the practice of prescribing or taking narcotic pain medication to be looked at under a microscope. Patients are fearful to use some necessary pain medication, because they may become addicted. Other patients who genuinely do have pain and need medication are having a tougher time obtaining the help they need. The problem of abuse and addiction is tough to solve since for some people the medications are the only way they can function and live a semi-normal life. A patient with pain may be hesitant to visit the doctor and …show more content…

According to Burchum and Rosenthal (2016), “The nurse is obligated to administer opioids with discretion in an effort to minimize abuse” (p. 275-276). This can be difficult if the nurse does not use objective data and instead uses past experiences or their own judgement of the pain the patient is experiencing. Providers have left some of the discretion in the hands of the nurse in regards to how much medication the patient receives. This can cause issues if all staff do not communicate or are not trained in how to assess pain. For example, the day shift nurse provides the patient with two tablets of Percocet after their procedure. Once the night shift nurse comes in they decide the patient should not be getting two tablets and one should be sufficient. The patient may develop feeling of resentment or feel that the second nurse is judging them or not providing proper care. Having a variable dose can be a positive thing if the nurse starts with the lowest dose and if that is insufficient they can administer a second dose. Also, the plan of care must be discussed openly with the patient. The nurse who is attempting to transition a patient from intravenous pain medication to something that can be taken by mouth must communicate this with the patient and explain why this is important. If the patient is not provided with the information they may not understand and communication may break

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