
President Eisenhower Was The Greatest President

Decent Essays

President Eisenhower was the greatest president in United States history because he instilled firsthand his experiences from times of war and times of peace, to increase the government’s power during his presidential term and years to follow. He was a well-established military general during many United States campaigns, before he took office as president of the United States. The most notable campaign he took part in was World War II, where he was the Supreme Allied Commander of European Forces and held the highest rank a United States officer can obtain, 5-Star General. He was one of nine generals to ever hold the rank of 5-Star General, which greatly gave him an advantage when he later ran for president. But he also used the side of …show more content…

They sent troops to aid North Korea and pushed the troops back to the 38th parallel, where there was a stalemate for two years, as the United States changed presidents and continued to come up short in negotiations ( Staff, n.d.). President Eisenhower, stayed true to his campaign promise and ended the Korean War through diplomacy and an armistice. Dwight D. Eisenhower felt this was his greatest accomplishment of his presidency. Although the actual nature of diplomacy between the United States and North Korea came in the form of nuclear threats. Eisenhower wrote in his diaries that: “…atomic threat was the key to achieving an armistice. It forced the Chinese and North Koreans to choose between peace or an expanded, and perhaps atomic, conflict” (Ferrell, 1981). These actions brought an end to the war, that resulted in many lives saved, and he did not have to resort to using the full force of the United States weapon arsenal. Showcasing that a great general, could also achieve victory through political talks and signing of the armistice. Moving on from ending a war, president Eisenhower laid the foundation and executed completion of the vast Interstate System we still use to this day. The end result of being the world’s largest Interstate System. Looking into a program that had little traction since taking office, president Eisenhower

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