
President Pierce And The Former President

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Karolina and Anna approached the banquet table as fine ladies sat at the table and older men were milling around the room puffing on their cigars and discussing politics.
Close to the table where Karolina and Anna sat down, several men were standing in a semicircle around a short older bald headed man with only slight wisps of white hair. The older man was the former president. Franz Sigil managed to include himself along with Anna’s husband in the circle of men surrounding the former president.
Mr. President, will you be continuing to support President Pierce in his negotiations for the Kansas and Nebraska territories?” A young man asked to the former president. Newly elected President Pierce was attempting to compromise with the …show more content…

Many eyes lit up when a lawyer from Illinois by the name of Lincoln was mentioned. Sigel made a mental note of the name and to find out more about this man.
Van Buren looked at them and turned away. “Gentlemen, we must return to our ladies”, he declared and walked away putting his cigar out. The orchestra began to play a new waltz just arrived from Europe and he walked back into the center of the ballroom as all of the men followed the former president into the ballroom and rejoined their ladies at the banquet table.
Young ladies and gentlemen began to dance and swirl around the center of the ball room while Karolina and her friend were approached by two distinguished ladies. They made their introductions and inquired about Karolina, for they recognized Anna and her husband. They observed Karolina’s simple hairstyle and lack of jewelry. Anna proudly explained to them she was a friend from the Grand Duchy of Baden and described the wedding of Princess Marie both attended back in Mannheim. The two women were suitably impressed as Anna described the members of royalty they had seen. After they left, Anna squeezed Karolina’s hand and mouthed the words “Thank you” to her as other women slowly came up to both them.
Karolina turned her attention back to the orchestra playing in the room as Anna repeated her story to more and more of New York City’s Society women. She recognized the music being played and remembered that

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