
President Roosevelt And The New Deal

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What would America look like today without the development of the New Deal? The New Deal played an important role in the government and the American economy of the 1930’s. Do we still the effects today? Several major changes birthed out of the New Deal and it was these changes President Roosevelt and his term are credited for. The New Deal established programs to ignite the economy and protect the people of the United States, and it also changed the way Congress and the President balanced power. The New Deal was created under the authority of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He wanted to help the change the economy that had been so badly hurt by his predecessor lack of involvement. He believed that by expanding the authority of the federal government, and getting involved in more aspects of the economy, the United States should bounce back from the “Great Depression”.
Roosevelt had to do something, the country needed saving and he was our man. The norm for this period in time were, “breadlines and higher unemployment” (Fleegler 2016), jobs were scarce and “those who were the last hired were the first ones fired” (Fleegler). People of all classes were found standing in line for food to feed their families. Diseases were high and patience was short. It was not uncommon to find work for only a short time or have more people looking work than what was available. This led to a very depressed and desperate society. People were looking for a way out of this

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