
Pride And Prejudice Social Class

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Should being in a different social class have an effect on how you feel about someone? Even if the person has a pure heart, but low in social status? Jane Austen outlines in Pride and Prejudice the substances of social class, pride, and women's rights. Austen satirizes the social standing of the upper classes and how they treated people of the lower class. How the people in the eighteenth century and also Pride and Prejudice were split into categories by what they have or what they know are very similar.
In Pride and Prejudice, Austen describes to the reader how women were treated differently from men; whether it was in education, the workforce, or politically. Women typically did not have an education in the eighteenth century, as for Elizabeth and her sisters, they were among the girls who was not able to attend school nor had a governess. Elizabeth may not have had any real teaching, but she learned a lot from reading - in an interrogating conversation with Lady Catherine about her education, Eliza says, ". . . such of us as wished to learn, never wanted the means. We were always encouraged to read and had all the masters that were necessary. Those who chose to be idle certainly might" (Pride and Prejudice 86). Many …show more content…

She refused to give in to the social standard of her time. Darcy, who thought Elizabeth was beneath him, was shocked to find out that Eliza has such a dynamic mind and would not be obsequious to him (Chin-Yi 2). Overall, Elizabeth’s strong personality sets her aside in the norm of society. Lady Catherine, Darcy’s prideful aunt, played a major role in the novel. She is in no way a civilized woman. She believes that you have to have enough money for living and refine. Lady Catherine tries to intimidate Elizabeth everytime they are around each other, but Elizabeth does not care. Lady Catherine feels as though Eliza will be hated by most of the upper-class

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