
Principles Of Physiology Health And Social Care

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Principles of Physiology in Health and Social care. Assignment 1 1.1 Discuss with the use of diagrams the main anatomical features of the human body Introduction The human body is like a machine, and like many machines it is made up of many different features and parts. The main anatomical features of the human body include; the cells, skeletal system and muscular system. These systems can relate to/work with other systems within the body. This can include the cardiovascular system working with the digestive system by breaking down food to make the nutrients that are then transported around the body it to function adequately. The Cell The human body is made up of millions of cells. These cells are considered to be the building blocks of …show more content…

Some of these different types of cells are Muscle cells. These muscle cells are for helping movement. There are also nerve cells. These cells are used for carrying messages around the body so that the body is able to react to things such as pain. When cells are grouped together they form what is known as a tissue. Different types of tissue make up different types of organs. The 3 main types of tissue are Muscular, Nerve and Epithelial. The muscular tissue is made up of three forms, they include the skeletal, smooth and cardiac tissues. Skeletal tissue is voluntary which means that it is used in the movements of the skeletal components. The Nerve tissue is a group of cells which react to, many different types of stimuli. They transmit messages throughout the body which can include things such as temperature, pain, and pressure. Epithelial tissue is when cells that form together create the lining of a surface an example of this would be the skin and muscle tissue. The Skeletal System The skeletal system works as the frame of the body and it is made up of two hundred and six various bones. The Sections used in the movements of the skeletal system are; the bones, Joints, ligaments and tendons. This system is also divided into two sections known as the Axial and Appendicular skeleton. The Axial

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