
Prison Management In Prison

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Your absolute separation from your loved ones and society can be worth up to $18,000 per year. At least, that’s how much it’s worth to the Management and Training Corporation (MTC), who is one of the three leading private prison management companies in the United States. Companies such as the MTC, the GEO Group, inc., and the Correction Corporations of America (CCA) make billions of dollars by keeping criminals locked up. The idea of making profit from prisoners doesn’t sound too inhumane of a notion until you obtain a further understanding of the system and how it operates. Private prison management strategists understand that the massive amounts revenue being shoveled into their corporate bank accounts shares a correlation to the amount of prisoners incarcerated in their prisons. It is for this reason that companies like the CCA force the contractual obligation of minimal occupancy guarantees upon states correction departments. These minimal occupancy guarantees make it so that if a certain states does not incarcerate enough prisoners to occupy a set percentage (typically the high 90% range) of a facility, that state would have to pay fees to the companies which own the “underpopulated” facilities for their empty beds. This can easily cause states to feel pressured to fulfill quotas by prosecuting substantial amounts of civilians. It is for this reason, and many others, that the American prison system is a broken, unprincipled network of captivity which takes its victims and leaves many of them in a state of mental and financial despair. Prisoners in private prisons are subject to harsh living conditions, and debilitating mental torture. They are used as pawns in a wicked game for financial wealth, all at the expense of prisoners’ well being, and taxpayers’ wallets. Prisons in the United States are unsanitary cesspools with loose administration and security. Prisoners, many incarcerated for nonviolent crimes, are subject to living in filthy facilities surrounded by murderers and rapists. Taking advantage of prison overpopulation, private prison corporations are able to mistreat prisoners due to many states’ need for extra cells. In an essay on it is stated that, “States failed to enact laws setting

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