
Prisons And Prisons : Prisons Essay

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Prisons are supposed to be good thing, but when so much trouble comes out of them it’s hard to remember what they’re there for. Criminals go in to be rehabilitated and to be able to come out as a better citizen. But when the prisons and jails effect that in a negative way things are not working the way they are supposed to. Prisons can be change negatively with these factors, breaking on prisoner’s rights, abusive and harmful guards, and how prisons miss treat solitary confinement. Even though those are only a few they can still have a major impact on how a prison runs and how it effects the inmates coming out of them. When a person goes into a prison they have rights that the government made so that they can be safe and not get cruel and unusual punishment. While they are incarcerated those rights aren’t always followed. Some of these rights are being free from sexual harassment, entitled to receive medical care, free from discrimination, and to be free from any cruel and unusual punishments. There can be slip ups when dealing with a prisoner’s rights because if a guard was to violate any of the rights and that prisoner was to tell someone in charge most times they would believe the guard and not the inmate. Unless they have video evidence they can’t prove much. Depending on who is in charge and who is the guard more things can slip by and be pushed under the rug. Throughout most episodes of Orange Is The New Black it is shown how the guards can manipulate them and not

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