
Privacy Analysis Worksheet

Decent Essays

Introduction When it comes to protecting personally identifiable information (PII) it is necessary to understand that there are several laws in place that require this information to be protected. One example is the Privacy Act of 1974 (DOJ, 2010). In aid of protecting PII the Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) and Privacy Analysis Worksheet (PAW) were created. The PAW identifies if a PIA needs to be accomplished or not. If the requirements outlined in the PAW are met then a PIA must be accomplished. Guidance for when and how to fill these out can be found on OMB’s website (OMB, 2003)
Overview of Privacy Impact assessments A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) is used to identify how PII is stored, shared, collected, protected, and managed. This …show more content…

There are several ways the information contained in a PIA can be used to affect policy. It allows privacy advocates or members of the public to see what information is being collected and how it is used. In addition to what/how data is used, PIAs show how that data is collected. By determining how PII is safeguarded, advocates can determine if that agency is following current legal requirements. After deciding that current laws are being followed, advocates can use this information to show that current laws are insufficient to protect PII and must be changed/updated. The last way advocates can use PIAs to affect change is to increase the general public’s awareness of how/what data is being collected by a particular system. This can increase the amount of people involved in the cause, thus putting increased presser on policy makers in the form of increased signatures on petitions or more letters sent to policy …show more content…

Of this long list, the most important practice is to begin thinking about security early; by starting before detailed design requirements are put in place, IT managers can add necessary protections without needing to rework the program afterward (HHS, 2008). For example, began filling out a PIA as soon as possible to prevent identifying security risks later in the process, when it’s much more costly to fix.
Another important step in protecting PII is to periodically, or whenever there is a change that affects how PII is handled takes place, review the current security practices for systems. In addition, it is recommended to perform a review each time a breach takes place (Database Security, 2005). This will allow IT managers to detect problems that could lead to a subsequent breach.
While strong security standers are necessary, they must be tested from time to time to evaluate their effectiveness. This is where vulnerability assessments come into play; by performing penetration testing on current systems/networks, security risks can be identified and addressed before cybercriminals are able to take advantage of them (Database Security,

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