
Essay Problems with the Articles of Confederation

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Problems with the Articles of Confederation The Articles of Confederation were developed after the Revolutionary War, and were a good idea to help set standards for America. However, they had some major problems that needed to be solved in order for America to become a strong nation. After these problems were addressed the Constitution was developed. Unfortunately for the National Government, Congress did not have any power to collect taxes from people in each individual state. The Congress could ask for money, but could not by any mean force states to pay them. The National Government greatly needed money to cover expenses and debts. Congress could not pay the Nation’s debt, which meant they could not provide much needed …show more content…

Along with the foreign affair problems with no army, this also played a role with problems in foreign trade. Not having an army to protect US goods was extremely risky with trading. Ships were easily attacked when they were crossing oceans to trade with other countries. Mainly pirates took over ships and forced them to hand over very valuable goods. Sometimes pirates captured sailors from the ships, and also stole goods. While the US was having troubles protecting their goods, other countries were having troubles keeping economy in their own country from declining. To help the economies of other countries from declining, countries placed tariffs and trade restrictions on US goods. By doing this, foreign countries would not want to buy US goods because they were too expensive. Instead, they would buy goods from their own countries because it was cheaper. Also the countries placed trade restrictions on other countries’ goods to make it harder for people in their own country to receive foreign goods. With each state having its own government, disputes arose between individual states. A Federal court system was important and was greatly needed to settle the disputes. States often fought over trade and power. A federal court that controlled all of the states would have helped tremendously. If all the states followed the same rules and had the same federal court, they would have all been

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