
Professional Liability And Legal Liability Insurance

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The profession that I have chosen to concentrate on is that of a personal trainer, specifically issues concerning liability insurance. Personal trainers provide direction and supervision to clients within the realm sports and exercise realm. The chosen place of employment is often work out facilities. It may also include working with clients at other locations, such as the client or trainer’s homes. Personal trainers work both as employees and as independent contractors. I think that I would probably have an employer in the beginning, such as working for a work out club chain. After I acquired some experience and built up a clientele, I would probably consider working as an independent contractor. Either way there are risks that must be covered by insurance. Whether a client is injured due to negligence, or inherent risks (no fault), a trainer must protect themselves in case of a lawsuit. Additionally, frivolous lawsuits have become common place, and if an individual does not have insurance they could be left vulnerable. Both professional liability and general liability insurance are necessary to help to cover your costs in the event of an injury claim, whether you are truly responsible or not. This is an essential part of a comprehensive risk management strategy.
Some of the specific duties a personal trainer is responsible for are:
• Overseeing exercise programs and weight training.
• Instruction on proper lifting techniques, proper usage/handling of

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