
Project Management Processes On A Development Project Essay

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Project management is a process of leading a team of capable people in planning and implementing a series of related activities that need to be accomplished on a specific date with a limited budget.

Because of its nature, coordinating all these activities requires a process approach. For many times development project take on unexplored territory, assumptions about the project must be listed, evaluated, its risks assessed and contingency plans developed. It also requires a close monitoring of the budget, scope and schedule to deliver the project objectives under the expected quality. Each one of these elements needs to be managed in a systematic manner with the development of plans to identify the roles and resources needed.

There are mainly two groups of management processes on a development project; enabling and facilitating processes. These are designed to help manage the different elements of a project, different projects may have different needs from each process; for example, a project that has identified that quality is a critical success factor will spend more time and effort in developing a quality management plan. Therefore, these management processes occur during the entire project life cycle and each one of them requires a cyclical approach that consists of planning, doing, checking and learning to ensure process quality.

Enabling processes include scope, schedule, budget and quality. They are enabling because they lead to

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