
Propaganda In Nazi Germany

Decent Essays

During the Holocaust, various forms of propaganda were infused into everyday aspects of life for the German citizens. The Nazi Party used many of these forms to target the many differing citizens of Germany to believe in the Nazi ideology. These forms of propaganda included books, films, newspapers, rallies, radio broadcastings, etc. All of these forms of propaganda were either created or altered by the Nazi Party for the sole purpose of manipulating the ordinary German citizens into hating their Jewish friends, neighbors, and colleagues. Almost every aspect of life was placed under the control and influence of the Nazi Party in Germany for all of its citizens. Instead of having normal schooling as they did before Hitler came to power, …show more content…

Organizations including the Hitler Youth, German Young Folk, League of Young Girls, and League of German Girls were all a form of propaganda targeting the youth of Germany. All the German children and teens in these organizations swore a solemn promise of loyalty and love to their Fuhrer, Hitler. In these youth organizations, the males participated in activities that were meant to develop their fearlessness and fitness, and the females attended home-building classes that developed their roles as mothers of the Nazi ‘Aryan race’. These types of organizations were made to develop the young German boys and girls into what the Nazi Party believed they should …show more content…

Films were made to spread the Nazi ideology across Germany to manipulate the citizens as did newspapers. In Germany, the cartoons in the newspapers portrayed the Jewish people with antisemitic caricatures. Rallies held by the Nazi Party in the Zeppelinfeld were propaganda events used to arouse enthusiasm and show off the power of National Socialism. All of these forms of propaganda worked together to manipulate an entire nation into supporting acts of genocide. The Nazis were not the only people committing acts of genocide against the Jewish people. Ordinary German citizens were manipulated into supporting the crimes committed against the Jewish people with propaganda. These citizens did not have a lot of options, so they either actively participated, supported from the sidelines, resisted the Nazi Party silently, or risked their lives to help the Jewish people in

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