
Propaganda In The Handmaid's Tale By Margaret Atwood

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In The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, the United States of America no longer exists. It has been overthrown and is now known as the Republic of Gilead. Due to an unknown disaster, women are desperately needed to keep the reproduction rate steady. They are too valuable in this time of crisis to be allowed to roam around as they please. The new government’s attempt to enforce this message and make it a known fact is through the use of propaganda. The propaganda is focused towards women because it is a male dominated society which eliminates education, uses selective television broadcasting, and contains the Red Center.
The narrator, Offred, tried to escape this totalitarian state with her husband and daughter, but was captured and sent to the Red Center. It is basically a re-education center for all Handmaids, women who are forced …show more content…

When Offred begins to describe the area, she says, “The street is almost like a museum, or a street in a model town constructed to show the way people used to live. As in those pictures, those museums, those model towns, there are no children (23).” This is a classic example of propaganda because they try to portray it as a most perfect environment, even though the underlying morals are the farthest from good. It is also ironic since their main goal is to increase reproduction, yet there is not one child to be seen. The government also regulates television programming, even in elite households. Offred notices several blank channels while at her Commander’s house. When the news comes on, she begins to notice the deception herself, wondering, “Who knows if any of it is true? It could be faked (82),” and, “They only show us victories, never defeats. Possibly he [the prisoner] is an actor (83).” By showing the war on television, it should be scaring people into doing what they are told. However, this propaganda is so prevalent that even a woman who is supposed to be brainwashed can pick up on

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