
Pros And Cons Of Banning Cell Phones

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Banning cellphones in places like schools, restaurants, movies, and in stores is outrageous. Cellphones can be useful while shopping or going to dinner. There are coupons that can be search on a cellphone to get better deals. Looking for stores, movie theaters, and restaurants can be searched on maps. Teenagers like to go out and their parents like to know where they are at all times. Which this means that they will need their cellphones with them. First of all schools are strict about not allowing phones. Which it could help students concentrate better if teachers let them listen to music. It could help them stay on task and work harder. Music will help students relax so, this lets their brains have a break from thinking so much. Cellphones can also replace computers. Which not every school gives kids computers nor, do they have them. Researchers say that “ The students started doing their homework and they did work in class” (Halla is a teacher and he did a study on his students) The students did their work because he allowed them to use their cellphones. There are many learning apps they can use on their phones as a study tool. Some students learn better this way. They comprehend it more than they would writing it down and then reading it. Secondly, people use cellphones for a navigation tool or just looking up places near them. People use their phones for many uses. Finding places near them could show them new places to eat dinner or, they might go to a new shopping mall somewhere. People look to go to these places on there cell phone well if they find a store or restaurant that does not allow cellphones those people are probably going to leave. Same if a person is at a movie and they get their phone out to check the time. They could of dropped something so, they use the light on their phone. Then they get kicked out for it. The world is changing public places like this cannot keeps phones out forever. Public places are going to have to realize how much change there is in technology and the cellphones only make things easier. Anyone can go to the store and forget their shopping list so, that is why they made a note app on their phone. People can put their shopping list on that app and they will always

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