
Pros And Cons Of Childhood Vaccinations

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Working Title: Childhood Vaccinations

Description: The topic that will be thoroughly discussed is Vaccination of Children and whether or not you should vaccinate your child. I chose this particular topic because it is a well-known controversial topic and I strongly believe that children should receive their vaccinations. Vaccinations are extremely important to not only a potential at-risk-child but also the family, friends, and the community as a whole. Without vaccinations the world would suffer from fatal diseases, illnesses, and disabilities. The mortality rate would without a doubt increase and the survival of infants would become a struggle. Throughout my paper I will thoroughly explain how vaccinations work, review frequently asked questions and concerns, describe the pros and cons, and discuss why every infant should receive their vaccinations.

Outline: (Questions/concerns)
1.What are vaccinations and how does it protect us?
- The body naturally fights off infection and generates memory cells.
- Vaccinations work with the body’s natural immune system in order to prevent future diseases and illnesses. …show more content…

It is better to be precautions and potentially prevent a disease than to have no protection at all. Many parents are misled by myths and false information about vaccines leading them to steer clear of vaccinations. So, parents should do their research and understand how childhood vaccinations potentially protect generations to come. According to Maron (2015), “ We live in a crowded, fast-moving world, and disease travels easily. The data is clear: Failure to immunize a child comes with a much more formidable risk—leaving children vulnerable to contracting a potentially debilitating or lethal illness.” Vaccinate your children and protect them against the things in this world that you can protect them

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