
Pros And Cons Of Gmos In Africa

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Written Assignment I am going to take the position of For GMOs for Africa. I think that GMOs could benefit the African continent exponentially. With their extreme expected increase in population and decrease in yield from their current crops there has to be an alternate solution. According to the Genetic Literacy Project, “Without a sharp increase in food production, Africa faces a future of increased malnutrition and reliance on food imports to feed it’s growing population. (Cerier, 2017)”. With the crops being insect resistant as well as some are fortified with different proteins and vitamins the GM crops have the potential to cut down malnutrition by a significant margin if the techniques can be universally adopted. Another big concern that GMOs can help fight is the ever changing climate and the implications of unknown growing …show more content…

Although commercialization is good in some instances because it can create commerce and give a slight boost to the economy. The idea that it might be commercialized also opens the possibility that foreign entities can come in and start redirecting those crops from their initial purpose. Instead of providing the security that the continent desperately needs it can become another system abused for greed. Some scientist have brought up the concerns of some potential long term effects of the GMOs. In an article in the Washington Post stated, “The idea that GMOs are actively dangerous has taken hold to such an extent that one Ugandan scientist told me she heard a colleague – also a scientist – explain to farmers that genetically modified corn would make men sterile (Haspel, 2015).” Now it’s hard to say whether that scientist was speaking based on any actual factor or if they were fear mongering, however if it is true that’s definitely a very negative outcome of GMOs, which are supposed to be put in place to help starving

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