
Pros And Cons Of Healthcare Collaboration

Decent Essays

Working in the healthcare field has its pros and cons, its risks and rewards. Depending on the type of facility that you work in, your experiences can vary dramatically. Staff members within a hospital setting tend to have a higher patient turnover rate, which leads to a faster paced work environment, as opposed to in Long Term care facility where the patients have a much longer stay. With that being said, there still is a common goal for patient safety and a healthy outcome. That could not be possible if all staff members did not collaborate with one another. “Furthermore, collaborating is as critical to the success of healthcare operation in an environment of limited and expectation of accountability”( Akil, H,& Watson, S. J. 2000). Collaboration is a team effort, and within that team each player has their own role. The “developmental process and the following steps are important for success; individual factors, individual team members, which bring unique attitudes and styles to the process of care, and these characteristics influence the outcome of collaboration.”( Akil, H,& Watson, S. J. 2000). With all of the hard work that each discipline contributes to a patient’s stay, the more efficient goals can be met. …show more content…

Different facilities have their own benefits for caring for patients, along with their staff members as well. Healthcare reform are already urging hospitals and critical care centers to create ways to increase efficiency throughout their facility, along with, the hot topic of streamlining costs. This also has its own pros and cons which could be for the better or for the worse for all that are

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