
Pros And Cons Of Mandatory Military Draft

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In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln was forced to begin drafting. Many people complained that it was unconstitutional. This was the first mandatory military recruitment in U.S history. There has been two more drafts since Lincoln had the first one in 1863. The argument most people have about drafting is, “if it is right?” There are many pros and cons of having a draft, how the military would go about drafting people, and how it will affect the families of those who are drafted. The first ever draft was held in the Civil War. The South was the first to hold a draft in 1862. The men were required three years of service and had to be between the ages of 18 and 35. Later on in the war, the age limit was raised between the ages of 17 to 50. In many states such as Missouri and Iowa, the threat of drafting was used to help speed up volunteering. However, in 1862 the Militia Act gave authority to the …show more content…

It may also make us more apposing. Most countries would not want to go to war with an army of 300 million plus. That would help us get out of wars like we are in with smaller countries like Iraq and Afghanistan. The draft would upgrade the quality of the U.S military recruitments (Military Conscription, Recruiting and the Draft). It would give the military access to all the youth between the ages of 20 and 25. Instead of having kids out of high school, who do not do anything and do not plan on going to college, they can join the military for a few years and can help the U.S out. It will make our military more youthful. More than a third of the new military recruitments fail to complete their enlistments (Military Conscription, Recruiting and the Draft). Have more military personnel would allow those who serve in the military to have shorter terms. If military had more people in it would could allow those who enlist to have two-year obligations compared to

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