
Pros And Cons Of Marijuana Essay

Decent Essays

Way before marijuana was ever used as a popular recreational intoxicant, it was used as a widespread industrial product. Originally brought over to America by British settlers, marijuana hemp was prized for its versatility. It was also used to make a lot of things like, paper, rope, and cloth. In fact, it has been established that both George Washington was not only the father of the United States and a cannabis plantation owners, but also a user of the plant for relaxation and merriment (Schwartz, 2008). There are way more cons than pro’s.
Con’s of marijuana include stuff like how much it costs to bring the “bad guys” to court, how it affects the body long/short term effects. When marijuana is used it enables cannabinoids to enter the bloodstream where it is able to get into the fatty membrane that is surrounding the brain. These cannabinoids increase the risk of getting long term schizophrenia or psychosis in those that already had these conditions. People that use the “drug” tend to drive slower because of their heightened senses like of paranoia and anxiety, …show more content…

Individuals suffering from chronic pain, cancer, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and HIV/AIDS can use cannabis as an appetite stimulant to prevent chemical and radiation treatments that result in appetite lose and there appetite returns to them. One such treatment involves inhaling marijuana in order to relax the esophagus and diaphragm for those suffering from intractable hiccups thankfully providing relief for the very weak and infirm. The use of marijuana shown that it reduces fluid pressure of the eyes in patients suffering from glaucoma and painful migraines. Also is used to reduce spastic or impaired muscle control brought on by multiple sclerosis, seizures. Further beneficial effects of marijuana are unknown due to difficulties of obtaining the drug legally for testing purposes. If cannabis was legal the states altogether would make approximately $7.7 billion per

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