
Pros And Cons Of Social Media

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Is social media posing more harm than good? Social media: something you love, or something you hate. It goes without saying, though, that social media has become an ever predominant feature within society- defined by the Oxford Dictionary as websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. The question I pose, however, is whether social media is now posing more harm than it is good. Some may agree, and claim that social media is indeed posing more harm than it is good- and there are a variety of reasons why. First and foremost, I would like to touch upon the sensitive subject of body image- and its negative connotations to social media. Over the last few years, the media has continuously sparked outrage with its never-ending list of photoshopping and body shaming scandals- thus setting unrealistic expectations of who and what the ideal person should be. However, the blame cannot all be held by magazines and newspapers… as social media stars are on the rise- and many of them criticised for not only promoting an unrealistic lifestyle and body, but products to help achieve that, such as “detox teas”, which contain the “holy grail secret to losing weight” otherwise known as laxatives- not very good for the body, am I right? As Instagram’s total number of active users reach 700 million, and as other platforms grow rapidly, it seems influencers as such may not be having a positive impact. Recently, a survey reported

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