
Pros And Cons Of The Dakota Access Pipeline

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Imagine living in the area where the Dakota Access Pipeline might be built. The pipeline would take up your land illegally, contaminate your only drinking source, and ruin the air quality causing extreme health problems, making for an awful life. The Dakota Pipeline is one of the most devastating projects that will ruin this country, and it's economy. It will destroy the rich, American soil so many of us have begun a new life on, forcing citizens of a free country to relocate. Then, it will bring the United States deeper into debt, and cause major problems in the health of so many living around the pipeline.

First of all, the Dakota pipeline will ruin many acres of precious land forcing people to relocate. The wholesome and natural …show more content…

Building the pipeline is 3.8 billion dollar project. We could be doing so many other exceptional things with this money. Since 1995, more than 2,000 significant accidents involving oil and petroleum pipelines have occurred, adding up to roughly $3 billion in property damage (Associated Press from the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials.) Right now the U.S. is 19.5 trillion dollars in debt. If we are going to be spending money, we should work on something we truly need instead of something that is optional and …show more content…

The pipeline originally located not far from North Dakota's capital city but government officials were so worried that the pipeline would break and ruin the drinking water for the entire capital that they moved it farther away from the city but close to Native American burial ground. Therefore, if it breaks it will ruin the Sioux tribes only water source. The Native Americans have been protesting with signs that read “We can’t drink oil”. An in-depth 2010 report from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, which looked at the effects of three major oil spills, found increased incidences of cancer and digestive problems in people who had ingested the oil directly (in drinking water) or indirectly (through eating the meat of livestock exposed to the oil). Also, people who had used contaminated water for bathing or laundry appeared to experience a higher incidence of skin problems, ranging from mild rashes to severe and lasting eczema and skin cancers. The Missouri River is the main source of drinking and irrigation water for the 8,200 residents of the Standing Rock

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