
Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty

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Should Death Penalty Be Given To Those Who Commit Heinous Crimes?
The question and the debate around the world continues, should the death penalty be legal? Should the government be able to execute the ultimate punishment if an individual commit acts and crimes as violent as they come, or should he/she be given a second chance at life? The death penalty is an issue that has the United States quite divided. While there are many supporters of it, there is also a large amount of opposition. Currently, there are thirty-one states in which the death penalty is legal and nineteen states that have abolished it. If carefully observed and looked at the lives at stake, the death penalty should be legal throughout the nation as it represents deterrence, retribution, and morality while opposing arguments do not hold up. All in all, death penalty should be issued because death is feared, it gives justice, and it gets rid of criminals in society to make it a better place for everyone. The death penalty is like "an eye for an eye", meaning if you commit a serious crime, then you should pay for what you did and there is no greater punishment than death. Death Penalty helps curtail future crimes and the less crime there is, the more lives we can save. Practically speaking, if death penalty was to exist in every state, repeat murderers would be eliminated and due to these future murders would be deterred because the thought of death might hold some back. Death Penalty also carries out retribution justly. Deserved punishment protects society morally by restoring it’s just order and making the criminal pay a price equivalent, if not more, to the harm he has committed. Just imagine it; we will live in a just society where people would not have to fear about a criminal who committed vicious crimes to someday get released and start where he left off. Therefore, if the death penalty would not be issued now, then when? When there are more criminals lurking? It is said that every minute, there is a chance that an innocent man could get murdered. We must put a stop to it, and if taking a life could save potentially hundreds, then it is very well justified to make that trade.
Not everybody deserves to die, but there are some

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